The legal stuff

All the texts on Pilgaard Polymers are written and copyrighted by me (Michael Pilgaard), unless otherwise stated on the page. This copyrighted work may not be archived, re-published, or otherwise reprinted, without the written permission of its sole legal owner. The public domain texts, may be archived, re-published, and otherwise reprinted and distributed according to the visitor's copyright laws. is a Danish site, hosted by a Danish ISP (, on a Danish server, and registered in Denmark, and is thus subject to Danish law.

The site is completely independent and non-profit, the sole purpose of the site is to provide information.

Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech is given in the cornerstone of Danish law, called Danmarks Riges Grundlov: Danmarks Riges Grundlov, lov nr. 169 af 5. juni 1953, § 77: »Enhver er berettiget til på tryk, i skrift og tale at offentliggøre sine tanker, dog under ansvar for domstolene. Censur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ingensinde påny indføres«.

Basically it says that we have the right to express and publicize our thoughts, albeit within the law (i.e. no death threats, no racism, etc.), and we can't have censorship or other preventive measures again.

Copyright and the right to quote
In regards to copyright, Danish copyright law (ophavsretsloven) states (among other things):

§ 1. Den, som frembringer et litterært eller kunstnerisk værk, har ophavsret til værket, hvad enten dette fremtræder som en i skrift eller tale udtrykt skønlitterær eller faglitterær fremstilling, som musikværk eller sceneværk, som filmværk eller fotografisk værk, som værk af billedkunst, bygningskunst eller brugskunst, eller det er kommet til udtryk på anden måde.

   Stk. 2 Kort samt tegninger og andre i grafisk eller plastisk form udførte værker af beskrivende art henregnes til litterære værker.

§ 22. Af et offentliggjort værk er det tilladt at citere i overensstemmelse med god skik og i det omfang, som betinges af formålet.

§ 23. Offentliggjorte kunstværker og værker af beskrivende art, jf. § 1, stk. 2, må gengives i kritiske eller videnskabelige fremstillinger i tilslutning til teksten, når det sker i overensstemmelse med god skik og i det omfang, som betinges af formålet. Gengivelsen må ikke ske i erhvervsøjemed.

In essence, it says that ownership/copyright for a work of art (text, picture, music etc.) belongs to the creator. From publicized works of art, it is allowed to quote according to good practice, to the extent justified by the purpose. Publicized works of art may be reproduced in critical or scientific productions (articles, reviews, posters, etc.) to the extent justified by the purpose. The reproduction may not be done for business purposes.

Cookies and privacy policy
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Changes to this policy: Regulations and technologies keeps changing, so the cookies and privacy policy can be expected to change accordingly to comply with the current legislation.

Disclaimer of warranties
Just so there are no misunderstandings about this:

  1. Your use of Pilgaard Polymers is at your sole risk. Pilgaard Polymers is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Pilgaard Polymers expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
  2. Pilgaard Polymers makes no warranty that (I) Pilgaard Polymers will meet your requirements, (II) the use of Pilgaard Polymers will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, (III) the results that may be obtained from the use of Pilgaard Polymers will be accurate or reliable, and (IV) any errors in the software/code will be corrected.
  3. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of Pilgaard Polymers is done at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.

Contact information
This site is owned and provided by

Michael Pilgaard
Kingosvej 27
9760 Vrå

Phone: +45 38 33 43 70