Helix pomatia galactan


Monomer sequence:

(→6)-ß-D-galactose(1→) (backbone), (→3)-ß-D-galactose(1→) and (®→)-ß-L-galactose(1→) (sidechain). Ratio of L to D sugars (total) ~1:6 [3]. Degree of branching (backbone:sidechain): 1:1 or 3:4 [3]. Per 10-12 mol galactan there is ~1 mol 2-linked galactose [4].

Helix pomatia galactan contains about 1-8% (by weight) covalently bound phosphate, acording to [1], 0.61% accordng to [4]. The link between phosphate and galactan is an unknown non-polysaccharide. Also the galactan contains some nitrogen (0.9%, mostly from amino acids) [4].

2D structure:

Helix pomatia galactan